Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Award and Phoenix BIOS:

1 short beep: Normal
2 short beeps: CMOS error
1 long and 1 short beep: DRAM error
1 long and 2 short beeps: Video card error
1 long and 3 short beeps: Keyboard error
1 long and 9 short beeps: ROM error
Long continuous beeps: DRAM not installed correctly
Short continuous beeps: Bad power supply


1 short beep: DRAM flash error
2 short beeps: DRAM ECC check error
3 short beeps: DRAM detect error
5 short beeps: CPU error
6 short beeps: Keyboard error
8 short beeps: Video card error
9 short beeps: ROM error
1 long and 3 short beeps: Bad DRAM
1 long and 8 short beeps: Video card error

Phoenix BIOS:

1-1-3 - CMOS read/write failure
1-1-4 - ROM BIOS checksum error
1-2-1 - Programmable interval timer failure
1-2-2 - DMA initialisation failure
1-2-3 - DMA page register read/write failure
1-3-1 - RAM refresh verification failure
1-3-3 - First 64k RAM chip or data line failure
1-3-4 - First 64k RAM odd/even logic failure
1-4-1 - Address line failure first 64k RAM
1-4-2 - Parity failure first 64k RAM
2-_-_ - Faulty Memory
3-1-_ - Faulty Motherboard
3-2-4 - Keyboard controller Test failure
3-3-4 - Screen initialisation failure
3-4-1 - Screen retrace test failure
3-4-2 - Search for video ROM in progress
4-2-1 - Timer tick interrupt in progress or failure
4-2-2 - Shutdown test in progress or failure
4-2-3 - Gate A20 failure
4-2-4 - Unexpected interrupt in protected mode
4-3-1 - RAM test in progress or failure>ffffh
4-3-2 - Faulty Motherboard
4-3-3 - Interval timer channel 2 test or failure
4-3-4 - Time of Day clock test failure
4-4-1 - Serial port test or failure
4-4-2 - Parallel port test or failure
4-4-3 - Math coprocessor test or failure
Low 1-1-2 - System Board select failure
Low 1-1-3 - Extended CMOS RAM failure

HP Multimedia PCs:

Continuous tone - Power supply defective
Many short beeps - Defective motherboard
1 Long - RAM refresh
1 Long, 1 Short - Defective motherboard or RAM-Basic
1 Long, 2 Short - Video Card error
1 Long, 3 Short - Error on EGA card
2 Long, 1 Short - Synchronization of monitor adapter
2 Short - Parity error (incorrect memory checksum)
3 Short - Errors in the first 64K of RAM
4 Short - Timer or counter defective
5 Short - Processor failure or Video RAM
6 Short - Error in keyboard Processor
7 Short - Virtual processor mode det (AT)
8 Short - Incorrect writing to Video RAM
9 Short - Wrong ROM BIOS checksum

IBM IntelliStation and IBM PC:

Beep error code
1-1-3 CMOS read/write error
1. Run Setup
2. System Board
1-1-4 ROM BIOS check error
1. System Board
1-2-X DMA error
1. System Board
1. Memory Module
2. System Board
1. Keyboard
2. System Board
1-4-X Error detected in first 64 KB of RAM.
1. Memory Module
2. System Board
1. Run Setup
2. System Board
2-1-X First 64 KB of RAM failed.
1. Memory Module
2. System Board
1. Video Adapter (if installed)
2. System Board
2-2-X First 64 KB of RAM failed.
1. Memory Module
2. System Board
1. Memory Module
2. System Board
1. Run Setup
2. Memory Module
3. System Board
3-1-X DMA register failed.
1. System Board
3-2-4 Keyboard controller failed.
1. System Board
2. Keyboard
3-3-4 Screen initialization failed.
1. Video Adapter (if installed)
2. System Board
3. Display

3-4-1 Screen retrace lest detected an error.
1. Video Adapter (if installed)
2. System Board
3. Display
3-4-2 POST is searching for video ROM.
1. Video Adapter (if installed)
2. System Board
1. Video Adapter (if installed)
2. System Board
All other beep code sequences.
1. System Board
One long and one short beep during POST. Base 640 KB memory error or shadow RAM error.
1. Memory Module
2. System Board
One long beep and two or three short beeps during POST.(Video error)
1. Video Adapter (if installed)
2. System Board
Three short beeps during POST.
1. See "System board memory" on page 62.
2. System Board
Continuous beep.
1. System Board
Repeating short beeps.
1. Keyboard stuck key?
2. Keyboard Cable
3. System Board

1 short beep
Normal POST completion
1 long 1 short
Refresh failure
1 long 2 short
Video configuration failed or parity error
1 long 3 short
Base 64 KB memory failure
1 long 4 short
Timer not operational
1 long 5 short
Processor error
1 long 6 short
8042 Gate A20 failure
1 long 7 short
Processor exception interrupt error
1 long 8 short
Display memory R/W error
1 long 9 short
ROM checksum error
1 long 10 short
CMOS shutdown register R/W error
1 long 11 short
Cache memory bad .. Newer Boxes have what we call idiot lights on the back and when you check them against your manual that also will let you know what the problem is.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Service,Ej-Adjust,PowerOnly MenĂ¼

So people. I would like to explain here as you without a special remote control via a laptop and audio software how serial WinAmp can open the service menu of the ch. This you need play just the individual AUDIO files on the laptop. and there is no magic, even if it sounds so.

So download this file down:

Unzip on your PC, and then have your 4 audio files:

So, now we need a headphone connector and an old remote control or an IR sensor. You must cut the plug and sensor solder the cable with IR (previously from the old remote control IR sensor from solder). Then it looks like this:

now, take your laptop and this plug with IR sensor inside the headphone jack.

Download now from the Internet the audio player "WinAmp" down (possibly others also go) and installed the program. Is the IR sensor on the TV and starts an audio file (with Service menu that you want to open) on the laptop. But first turn the volume up!

Woalla! The TV reports with password input. "0413" enter password for menu just yet.

Sounds unbelievable, what? but it works

Monday, April 14, 2014

Take a screenshot of a remote computer with psexec and nircmd



psexec, nircmd and Windows


Take a screenshot of a remote computer in your network and save it to selected location. Optionally save 20 screenshots every minute in a loop.


Download psexec from, download nircmd from
psexec.exe \\ -u "domain\administrator" -p "password" -i -c nircmd.exe savescreenshot "c:\shot.png"
shot.png will be saved on target computer

If you are logged on as administrator then you can skip -u and -p options, you can skip only -p then you will be prompt for a password.
psexec.exe \\ -u "domain\administrator"  -i -c nircmd.exe savescreenshot "c:\shot.png"
Save 20 screenshots every minute in a loop:
psexec.exe \\ -u "domain\administrator" -p "password" -i -c nircmd.exe loop 20 60000 savescreenshot "scr~$currdate.MM_dd_yyyy$-~$currtime.HH_mm_ss$.png"

Gain access to remote pc via console (telnet equivalent):
psexec.exe \\ -u "domain\administrator" -p "password" cmd